Upcoming Live Bands & Events:
To all our patrons:
The Health and safety of our guests are extremely important here at Ned Devine’s.
With the CoronaVirus behind us, we still have our cleaning protocols (i.e., cleaning door handles, bathroom faucets, tables, chairs, etc.) and all safety precautions across the board. We have had extensive training and explained the importance of sanitation. Our staff has been informed about frequent hand-washing and has been asked to stay home if they are feeling ill.
The safety of everyone that works and comes into our establishment is of the highest importance to us. Please continue to support us and the local businesses as we ensure the highest safety standards in dealing with this virus. We have every intention of keeping our restaurant open, so do not worry! Our community is extremely important to us, and we want to be able to give our guests a safe environment to enjoy some good food and drinks!
We thank you very much for your loyalty and patronage!
Gordon and all the staff here at Ned Devine’s
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